About Me
Catherine Genaux, MS, CCC-SLP, CBIS
Thank you for visiting New England Communication Therapies.
I feel incredibly privileged to work as a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP), serving young adults through seniors with a variety of communication and swallowing needs.
I was born and raised in Interior Alaska. Speech Pathology “found me” after my daughter experienced a severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) at age 17 in a motor vehicle accident. Her bones healed with skilled medical care, but it was the SLPs who helped her regain cognitive skills, enabling her to resume living an independent life and moving on to achieve her dreams.
As a result of my daughter’s injuries, I embarked on my SLP training and earned a Master’s Degree in Speech Language Pathology from East Carolina University in 2011.
For the past twelve years, I have had the opportunity to work with and learn from individuals with a wide variety of needs. This has been a great gift and has permitted me to develop valuable skills across many facets of this rewarding profession.
My SLP expertise includes:
Cognitive communication rehabilitation therapy for individuals who have experienced brain injuries related to trauma, stroke, and neurodegenerative disease processes. I hold certification from the Brain Injury Association of America as a “Certified Brain Injury Specialist”.
Voice and swallowing therapy related to a wide variety of needs. I have a music background and am particularly interested in voice as well as the anatomy and physiology that support both voice and swallowing. I am a SPEAK OUT!® Provider (Parkinson’s Voice Project).
Fluency therapy. In addition to implementing therapy training in using techniques to “Stutter more fluently”, I am also a SpeechEasy fluency aid provider.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication - AAC. I have seen the remarkable benefits AAC can provide for individuals who are unable to communicate efficiently using speech or writing. I received valuable AAC training from Bruce Baker and his incredible team with the Pittsburgh AAC Language Seminar Series.
“To be alive is a miracle. To be alive and to know that you are alive is the greatest of all miracles.”
After living the majority of my life in Alaska, I made the decision in 2017 to move to New England to live closer to one of my children. Along with a geographical change, I embarked on a new phase in my professional career. For three years I provided home and community based SLP services primarily to seniors. This work was incredibly rewarding and I had many more opportunities to continue honing my SLP skills.
In 2020, following the outbreak of COVID-19, I made another change in my professional pursuits; building my telehealth-based private practice. While I miss in-person contact with clients, I see daily the opportunities to provide much needed servies to individuals and families via telehealth.
Enjoying AWESOME trails in New Hampshire on my Fat Bike!
My commitment in all these experiences has been to provide quality and caring services to clients and families, supporting them to maximize their independence, life participation, and quality of life. . . and always learning from the courageous and resilient human beings who have graciously shared their journeys with me.
Thank you!